Post by 边 草 on Sept 4, 2022 8:43:15 GMT -5
那天读到这个短句后只注意到它的字面意义同流水不腐相似。现经忘语君指点,我查了一下,还确实如此。多谢。 另外,注意到忘语君久没有新译推出,是否也要考虑“刀不磨不快”、“枪不擦生锈”的后果啊?
Post by 溪山 on Sept 6, 2022 0:07:45 GMT -5
A rolling stone gathers no moss. 这说法在中文里也比较普遍,如流水不腐,户枢不蠹等。 英文的原意似乎帶有貶義... zt: a rolling stone gathers no moss: a person who does not settle in one place will not accumulate wealth or status, or responsibilities or commitments. A rolling stone gathers no moss 滾石不生苔;轉業不聚財 : A rolling stone gathers no moss. ── 這是一句老俗語,但還是很流行。照字面的意思是,轉動的石頭,是長不出苔蘚的。也就是說,常常在工作上變動的人,較難得到很好的資歷,也難受到別人的信任。即所謂「滾石不生苔,轉業不聚財」。(One who is always on the move or changes jobs often will not save or keep much money.) 所以我們可以勸年輕人不可見異思遷,到時一事無成: Don’t change your job too frequently because a rolling stone gathers no moss. Origin This proverb refers to what is well known about mosses and lichens – that they are slow-growing organisms that don’t thrive on disturbance. A sure way to prevent a colony of moss from growing on a stone is to move it about. As with all proverbs, it isn’t the literal meaning that conveys the sense but the metaphor. A ‘rolling stone’ refers to a wanderer, unable to settle to any job or lifestyle and therefore characterized as unreliable and unproductive.
Post by 溪山 on Sept 11, 2022 1:09:57 GMT -5
17 Moon Idioms & Phrases (Meaning & Examples) : 1. To Ask/Cry For The Moon Meaning: to make an unreasonable request for something that is unattainable. Use In A Sentence: I just asked if we could change the date to next Thursday and they are acting like I am asking for the moon. 2. To Be Over The Moon Meaning: to be extremely happy and/or excited. Use In A Sentence: Andrea was over the moon when Zach asked her to marry him. 3. To Cast Beyond The Moon Meaning: (British English) to consider unlikely possibilities. Use In A Sentence: The school guidance counselor encourages all of his students to cast beyond the moon when thinking about their future. 4. To Go Between The Moon And The Milkman Meaning: to flee from a situation overnight. Use In A Sentence: He was here last night, but now he is gone. He must have gone between the moon and the milkman. 5. And The Moon Is Made Of Green Cheese Meaning: when something appears unreal or unlikely. Use In A Sentence: Jerry says he is going to ask Nancy to marry him. Yeah right! Like the moon is made of green cheese! 。。。。。。。。。。。。
Post by 边 草 on Sept 13, 2022 13:57:24 GMT -5
horse senseIf your teacher tells you that you have horse sense, consider it a compliment. People with horse sense are smart and practical and can be counted on to make good decisions. Word experts aren't certain if the expression "horse sense" comes from the typical personality of horses themselves, calm and prudent, or from the idea that people who are very skilled in working with horses have a kind of horse sense. Either way, it's a colloquial phrase from the late 1800's that's still used fairly often today.
Post by 溪山 on Sept 13, 2022 23:36:56 GMT -5
你知道吗,horse sense居然是常识? : 1. horse sense 常识 common sense ▷Pure horse sense should tell you not to stand so close to the space heater. 有点常识都知道不要站得离取暖器太近。 2. Don't change horses in midstream 不要在中途换马;不要在紧急关头改变策略 (proverb) do not make major changes to a situation or course of action that is already underway ▷I'm really not confident in the strength of my essay, but I guess I just have to see this one through at this point. Like they say, don't change horses in midstream. 我真的对我的论文很没信心,但到这个节骨眼了,我只能硬着头皮做下去。就像他们说的,不要在紧急关头改变策略。 3. from the horse's mouth 据权威人士讲/据有关人士讲 (of information) from the person directly concerned or another authoritative source ▷"Is our test really getting rescheduled?" "Yep, our teacher was ahead of me in the lunch line, so I heard it straight from the horse's mouth." “我们的测试时间真的要改吗?” “是的,吃午饭排队的时候老师站在我前面,她亲口告诉我的。” 4.Horses for courses. 马各有道;物各近其善,人各尽其能 (Bri.proverb)different people are suited to different things or situations ▷I think Johnson would be much better for this job. It's a question of horses for courses. 我认为约翰逊会更适合这个工作。要人尽其能。
Post by 边 草 on Sept 21, 2022 9:06:17 GMT -5
eat humble pie To eat humble pie, in common usage, is to face humiliation and subsequently apologize for a serious mistake.
Post by 溪山 on Sept 21, 2022 23:22:48 GMT -5
eat humble pie = eat crow
Post by 边 草 on Sept 22, 2022 9:30:31 GMT -5
Where does saying eat crow come from?
The origin of “eat crow” comes from the era around the end of the Great War of 1812. In this origin story, a US soldier crossed over enemy lines to hunt for food. He accidentally shot a crow during his trip, and a British soldier caught him in the act, forcing him to eat the bird.
Post by 边 草 on Oct 5, 2022 21:42:40 GMT -5
今天看到“eight-legged essay”这么一个词组,感觉作者是想说“八股文”。可是,虽然“股”有大腿的意思,但八股文的股不是腿的意思吧?lol.
Post by 溪山 on Oct 9, 2022 2:26:20 GMT -5
準確點,大概是 eight-part essay? 但英文確實是譯成 eight-legged essay. :)
zt: 八股文,是明清科举考试的一种文体,也称制义、制艺、时文、八比文。“股”是对偶的意思。
Post by 边 草 on Oct 21, 2022 10:44:18 GMT -5
Pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps
Early 19th century US; attested 1834. In original use, often used to refer to pulling oneself over a fence, and implying that someone is attempting or has claimed some ludicrously far-fetched or impossible task.
Post by 溪山 on Oct 24, 2022 1:39:37 GMT -5
Pull oneself up by one's own bootstraps "依靠自己的努力而取得成功(或出人头地或提高自己的地位或改善自己的境况)" without help from other people : as a result of one's own hard work Despite many obstacles, she has pulled herself up by her own bootstraps.
Post by 李斯 on Oct 24, 2022 22:04:19 GMT -5
"get the short end of the stick": To end up in a worse position than other people in a particular situation, although this is not your fault.
Of course, for all this to happen, somebody had to get the short end of the stick. Times, Sunday Times (2007) The result is an uneven balance of styles, with flamenco getting the short end of the stick. Times, Sunday Times (2015)
Post by 溪山 on Oct 25, 2022 23:19:19 GMT -5
"getting the short end of the stick 吃亏。得到不公平的待遇" : 例句-1:I'm afraid the poor people will end up getting the short end of the stick again. Only a small part of the population has enjoyed everything from power to wealth. 他说:恐怕那儿的穷人还会再次吃亏。只有一小部分人才会有财有势得到一切。 所以这儿getting the short end of the stick意思是吃亏。换句话说是得到不公平的待遇。 例句-2:I've received the short end of the stick too many times during the last ten years. Only the inexperienced and least qualified get promoted because the boss likes pretty young women. 他说:这十年来我受到的不公平待遇太多了。只有那些既无经验又不合格的人得到提升,原因是老板喜欢年轻貌美的女郎。 这里的the short end of the stick意思还是不公平的待遇。
Post by 李斯 on Dec 5, 2022 9:41:23 GMT -5
egg on someone's face:
If you have egg on your face, you look stupid because of something that you have done. Ashamed and embarrassed.
Post by 溪山 on Dec 9, 2022 1:55:18 GMT -5
egg on someone's face --- "丢脸;丑态百出,难堪;窘迫,为难;屈辱".
出洋相: make an exhibition of oneself make a scene play the fool make a spectacle of oneself make oneself a laughingstock
弄巧成拙 cut a poor figure outsmart oneself
Post by 边 草 on Dec 16, 2022 14:42:37 GMT -5
Big cheese: an important person in a company or an organization with a lot of influence, such as your boss. The idiomatic phrase big cheese comes from a definition of cheese that comes from Urdu, in which chiz means "a thing." The British colonization of India brought English speakers and Urdu speakers together, and one result was the phrase "the real chiz" to mean "a big thing or event." This evolved over time into "big cheese".
Post by 边 草 on Dec 20, 2022 8:34:21 GMT -5
Bill Gates said Elon Musk has adopted a "seat-of-the-pants" style of decision-making at Twitter,"seat-of-the-pants": adjective, slang. Using or relying on intuition and experience rather than instruments, technology, or a predetermined plan. This term comes from aviation. When people first began flying aircraft, they did not have the same advanced navigation tools and abilities to communicate with people on the ground. Therefore, people were flying by the seat of their pants or flying without the ability to communicate or fully plan things out. 这俗语的中文怎么说:裤子的座位?(没有椅子可坐,所以)坐在裤子上?拿裤子当椅子?
Post by 李斯 on Dec 22, 2022 15:35:18 GMT -5
Throwing apple Men in Ancient Greece used to throw apples at their loved ones to ask for the person’s hand in marriage. That’s a literal way to say, “You are the apple of my eye!” Apples were also thrown at married couples to wish them a lifetime of prosperity.
Post by 边 草 on Dec 23, 2022 10:33:32 GMT -5
preaching the choir:
to speak for or against something to people who already agree with one's opinions.
Post by 边 草 on Jan 5, 2023 9:08:54 GMT -5
shell shockThe term "shell shock" was coined in WW I, during the Battle of Loos to reflect an assumed link between the symptoms and the effects of explosions from artillery shells.
Post by 边 草 on Jan 10, 2023 11:26:29 GMT -5
Cure the disease, kill the patient
As if you would call a physician, that is thought good for the cure of the disease you complain of, but is unacquainted with your body, and therefore may put you in the way for a present cure but overthroweth your health in some other kind.
Post by rovi297 on Jan 11, 2023 1:54:40 GMT -5
Cure the disease, kill the patient As if you would call a physician, that is thought good for the cure of the disease you complain of, but is unacquainted with your body, and therefore may put you in the way for a present cure but overthroweth your health in some other kind. 通俗一点就是医生为了找到病因,不得不开膛破肚,最后把病人给治死了,效果适得其反。中文好像没有同样的表述。 好像有點 ‘成事不足,敗事有餘’ 的味道?