Post by 边 草 on Jan 6, 2022 23:38:14 GMT -5
比如形容「永无止尽的、徒劳的」的sisyphean(来源于西西弗斯触怒众神而被罚推石头的故事)、形容「自恋」的narcissism(来源于美少年那喀索斯爱上自己倒影的故事)、形容「灾祸之源」的Pandora’s box(来源于打开魔盒、放出邪灵的潘多拉的故事)、形容「最后杰作、绝笔」的swan song(希腊神话中,阿波罗的神鸟天鹅只会在死前歌唱)等等。
Post by 溪山 on Jan 7, 2022 3:06:09 GMT -5
Post by 溪山 on Jan 7, 2022 3:09:00 GMT -5
Post by 边 草 on Jan 7, 2022 10:28:46 GMT -5
Woah! I'd save the link and learn the phrases one at a time. Thanks.
Post by 边 草 on Jan 7, 2022 10:33:42 GMT -5
别客气,举手之劳的事情,在电脑里看新闻报道,常常有不懂的词、好像后面有渊源或者故事,搜一下转贴过来即可。 顺祝溪君2022新年吉祥如意!
Post by 边 草 on Jan 7, 2022 11:57:35 GMT -5
Post by 特斯拉 on Jan 7, 2022 17:00:46 GMT -5
边大侠这不是在开玩笑吧? 我怎么觉得就是old and hot?
Post by 溪山 on Jan 8, 2022 19:28:54 GMT -5
哈哈。 『老辣』這個詞太中國。 cunning, sophisticated, sharp?
Post by 边 草 on Jan 8, 2022 20:35:10 GMT -5
边大侠这不是在开玩笑吧? 我怎么觉得就是old and hot? 不错,很有启发!那么就这个 "aged with piquancy"吧 ?
Post by 边 草 on Jan 8, 2022 20:37:19 GMT -5
哈哈。 『老辣』這個詞太中國。 cunning, sophisticated, sharp? 想到这个词语后再问自己英文怎么说时就把自己难倒了。 “老辣”这个词中文的确切含义应该包括下列如成熟,计谋,智慧,狡猾,难在要把这几个特征统统包括进去。看起来英文里没有对应的词,这是不是可以说西人没有老中“老辣”?
Post by 边 草 on Jan 8, 2022 21:00:11 GMT -5
New faces have more authority than accustomed ones. ———Euripides 欧里庇得斯(希腊文Ευριπίδης,英文Euripides,公元前480年—前406年)与埃斯库罗斯和索福克勒斯并称为希腊三大悲剧大师,他一生共创作了九十多部作品,保留的有十八部。对于欧里庇得斯的评价,古往今来一向褒贬不一,有人说他是最伟大的悲剧作家,也有人说悲剧在他的手中衰亡,无论这些评价如何反复,无庸置疑的是欧里庇得斯的作品对于后世的影响是深远的。
Post by 溪山 on Jan 10, 2022 2:30:41 GMT -5
哈哈,邊君在研究古希臘悲劇? 古希臘有個節日叫 City Dionysia,戲劇比賽是其中最重要的活動。當時看戲是 civic duty. Aristotle 認為悲劇的作用在於淨化靈魂 catharsis。
Post by 边 草 on Jan 10, 2022 16:47:32 GMT -5
我发现这个古希腊剧作家的思想(不少名言)同中国文化有相似之处,除了前面已经提到的“外来和尚好念经”外,还比如: “I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.” 宁愿站着死,不愿跪着生 "Much effort, much prosperity" 一份耕耘,一份收获 “There is the sky, which is all men's together.” 四海之内,皆兄弟也
Post by 边 草 on Jan 12, 2022 21:54:21 GMT -5
Fake it till you make it. It suggests that by imitating confidence, competence, and an optimistic mindset, a person can realize those qualities in their real life and achieve the results they seek. There is a similar expression: " act as if you already have it". It goes: how do you get yourself to a point of believing? Start make-believing. Be like a child, and make-believe. Act as if you have it already. As you make-believe, you will begin to believe you have received. 哇,我想来想去还没有找到对应的中文表达方式。看到中西文化的差别了吗?
Post by 溪山 on Jan 14, 2022 2:34:57 GMT -5
Post by 特斯拉 on Jan 14, 2022 17:23:56 GMT -5
嗯,“励志”,非常励志。 试试比较中文的“人有多大胆,地有多高产”怎么样?
Post by 溪山 on Jan 16, 2022 1:59:23 GMT -5
Post by 边 草 on Jan 18, 2022 22:14:14 GMT -5
Butterflies in the stomach 紧张或者激动
"Butterflies in the stomach" is the physical sensation in humans of a "fluttery" feeling in the stomach, caused by a reduction of blood flow to the organ. This is as a result of the release of adrenaline in the fight-or-flight response, which causes increased heart rate and blood pressure, consequently sending more blood to the muscles. It can be a symptom of social anxiety disorder. The symptom of this phenomenon is usually experienced prior to attempting to partake in something critical.
Post by 边 草 on Jan 20, 2022 21:31:32 GMT -5
The older you get, the wiser you are.
Post by 溪山 on Jan 21, 2022 2:58:47 GMT -5
不求wise, 但求不老眼昏花。
Post by 溪山 on Jan 21, 2022 3:03:38 GMT -5
www.learn-english-today.com/idioms/idiom-categories/Age/age.htmlAge idioms act your age! This expression is used to tell someone to stop being silly or childish and behave in a more mature way. "Come on boys! Stop being so silly and act your age!" age before beauty 'Age before beauty' is a teasing, playful (and slightly rude) way of indicating to someone that they should go first. "As he held the door open Charlie said “Go ahead please. Age before beauty, you know!” get on in years Someone who is getting on in years is growing old. "My grandmother is getting on in years. She's no longer able to look after her home without help." knee-high to a grasshopper This term refers to a very young and therefore small child. "Last time I saw you, you were knee-high to a grasshopper!" long in the tooth A person who is long in the tooth is a bit too old to do something. "She's a bit long in the tooth for a cabaret dancer, isn't she?" mutton dressed as lamb This expression refers to a middle-aged woman who tries to look younger by dressing in clothes designed for younger people. "The style doesn't suit her - it has a mutton-dressed-as-lamb effect on her" no spring chicken To say that someone is no spring chicken means that they are quite old or well past their youth. "How old is the owner? I don't know but she's no spring chicken!" (be) over the hill If a person is over the hill, they have reached an age when they can no longer perform as well as before. "Gran! You say you're over the hill, but you're a super cook!" (live to a) ripe old age This expression means to live until you are very old. "If you lead a healthy life you'll live to a ripe old age." said the doctor." rob the cradle If you rob the cradle, you have a romantic relationship with someone who is much younger than yourself. "My uncle Ted is dating a twenty-year-old girl. That's really robbing the cradle!" senior moment A momentary lapse of memory, especially in older people, or an absent-minded action such as putting the cereals in the refrigerator, is humorously referred to as having a senior moment. "I found the phone in the cupboard. I must have had a senior moment!" silver surfer A silver surfer is an elderly person who uses the internet. "After just a few questions my grandmother was ready to join the silver surfers." put years on someone If an event or difficult situation puts years on someone, it makes them look or feel much older. "I hardly recognized Mr. Brown. His illness has put years on him."
Post by 边 草 on Jan 27, 2022 18:13:44 GMT -5
How and why do we read tea leaf? To look at the tea leaves in the bottom of a cup for a sign of what will happen in the future. Synonyms and related words. To use, or to be affected by magical or supernatural powers.
Post by 溪山 on Jan 28, 2022 0:59:33 GMT -5
Magic tea leaves, when will the pandemic end?
Post by 边 草 on Feb 7, 2022 20:15:08 GMT -5
Butter someone up
To praise or flatter someone excessively: “Percy was always buttering up the boss, so he was surprised when he failed to get a promotion.”
Origin: A customary religious act in ancient India included throwing butter balls at the statues of gods to seek good fortune and their favor.
Post by 边 草 on Feb 11, 2022 21:54:54 GMT -5
Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve
To show one's intimate emotions in an honest and open manner. But a sleeve?
In the Middle Ages, sleeve not only referred to a part of a garment covering the arm but to a piece of armor for covering and protecting the arm. When participating in a joust, knights would often dedicate their performance to a lady of the court and wear something of hers, such as a scarf or ribbon, around their sleeve of armor, which indicated to the tournament's spectators which lady the knight favored. This chivalrous and affectionate gesture may be the source of the saying "wear your heart on your sleeve."
Post by 溪山 on Feb 12, 2022 14:46:48 GMT -5
Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve ---喜怒哀樂全寫在臉上 vulnerable to be taken advantage of
"Were I the Moor I would not be Iago. In following him I follow but myself; Heaven is my judge, not I for love and duty, But seeming so for my peculiar end. For when my outward action doth demonstrate The native act and figure of my heart In compliment extern, ’tis not long after But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For daws to peck at. I am not what I am." Iago in Othello
Iago is stone-faced. 喜怒不形於色
Wear my heart upon my sleeve - Learn English vocabulary & idioms with 'Shakespeare Speaks'
Post by 溪山 on Feb 12, 2022 14:49:48 GMT -5
to have something up one's sleeve: 錦囊妙計 To have a secret plan, idea, or advantage that can be utilized if and when it is required. A reference to cheating at a card game by hiding a favorable card up one's sleeve.
I have a few tricks up my sleeve if he decides to pursue legal action against me. (zt)
Post by 溪山 on Feb 12, 2022 20:30:43 GMT -5
哈哈。 『老辣』這個詞太中國。 cunning, sophisticated, sharp? 想到这个词语后再问自己英文怎么说时就把自己难倒了。 “老辣”这个词中文的确切含义应该包括下列如成熟,计谋,智慧,狡猾,难在要把这几个特征统统包括进去。看起来英文里没有对应的词,这是不是可以说西人没有老中“老辣”? 這兩天讀到一個詞: trenchant。 這是到目前為止我認為最接近『老辣』的英文詞(因為詞彙有限)。 trenchant: 1. keen or incisive: trenchant criticism. 2. vigorous and effective: a trenchant foreign policy. 3. distinctly defined: a trenchant outline. 4. archaic or poetic sharp: a trenchant sword. zt: (批评或意见)尖锐的,尖刻的,犀利的。鞭闢入裡的 He is a trenchant critic. 他是个一针见血的评论家。
Post by 边 草 on Mar 17, 2022 8:23:47 GMT -5
Sunk Cost is a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered.
近日纽约时报经济专栏作家Peter Coy引用管理学上的“沉没成本”来解释普京继续推进战争的动机,因为他很难接受已经投入的军队将是徒劳无功,也就是捨不得已经“沉没”、花掉的成本,于是持续投入兵员武器,想扳回局面,结果却可能损失更多成本。美国在阿富汗20年的战争也是这种情况,但是普京不想停战的另个原因是他无法面对承认失败的后果。所以,就算再打下去能赢的机会愈来愈渺茫,但是现在承认败仗的代价更高,因此他会继续搏下去。
Post by 溪山 on Mar 19, 2022 1:18:27 GMT -5
炒股原則之一是止損:cut the loss. 有人會下 stop-loss order, 比方股票跌10%等即賣出。 但是賭徒常常要『继续搏下去』,想贏回來,想少輸。